Writers need to be patient. Here are some of the things I remember waiting very patiently for;
- The idea to come and the words to form.
- The characters to come and play.
- Chapters to lead from one to another.
- The plot to flow
- Draft one to feel right
- Readers to give feedback
- Editing and re-drafting over and over.
- Readers to give feedback.
- Changes to be made.
- Proof-reading to be done
- Agent to like it.
- Publishers to want it.
- Website/social media to grow.
- The edits
- To do the edits.
- Proof-reading again and again
- Publisher to re-read and agree it is ready.
- Cover designs
- The Blurb
- The final proofs
- Boxes of books to come
- To see the book on a shelf
- The launch date
- Beta-readers or blog tour reviews.
- The first signed copy
- The first sale
- More reviews!
- The rankings/Sales figures.
- Royalties
- To call yourself a published author… and get news if you can do it all again…
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