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Writers need to be patient. Here are some of the things I remember waiting very patiently for;

  1. The idea to come and the words to form.
  2. The characters to come and play.
  3. Chapters to lead from one to another.
  4. The plot to flow
  5. Draft one to feel right
  6. Readers to give feedback
  7. Editing and re-drafting over and over.
  8. Readers to give feedback. 
  9. Changes to be made.
  10. Proof-reading to be done
  11. Agent to like it.
  12. Publishers to want it.
  13. Website/social media to grow.
  14. The edits
  15. To do the edits.
  16. Proof-reading again and again
  17. Publisher to re-read and agree it is ready.
  18. Cover designs
  19. The Blurb
  20. The final proofs
  21. Boxes of books to come
  22. To see the book on a shelf
  23. The launch date
  24. Beta-readers or blog tour reviews.
  25. The first signed copy
  26. The first sale
  27. More reviews!
  28. The rankings/Sales figures.
  29. Royalties
  30. To call yourself a published author… and get news if you can do it all again…

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