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Indulge in Writing – One2One Writing Coach for 2021

By 29th November 2020 281 Comments

Want to write?

Want to call yourself a writer?

Want to know how to build a writing life?

Let’s #indulgeinwriting together.

Make progress in your writing now.

Writers who work with me have; found an agent, self-published, built a writing CV, got the book finished, or made it all the way to publication.

We can establish where you at, where you want to be, and how you can get there. Invest in yourself and make progress for 2021.

Get quiet, consistent, and constant writing support at the level you need. Easy.

Contact me on the form below (or email sharontwriter@gmail.com).

“…I feel like I have turned a corner and can see my writing a lot more clearly. So thank you so much for all of your help and encouragement – it has made a world of difference to me!!!” Linda Green. Book blogger and emerging writer.

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