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Launching my second novel ‘The Healer’ online.

By 17th December 2018 13,892 Comments


Click here to access my online launch and get reminders.

I’ve decided with The Healer coming out on 22nd January, I am going to hit the social media platforms with the link for people to join my online webinar/launch of The Healer. There will be no travelling needed, no weather worries and people can be there in their pjs (or whatever way they like)!

People can comment and be invited up on screen, if they so wish, but they can just lurk in the background and follow proceedings. I hope as it is online people will be able to ‘come’. We will have fun for 30-60 mins about all things writing. I’ll be interviewed by none other than The Tweeting Goddess Samantha Kelly and will launch the book on the platform I use for my online writing group.

Click here to register and get reminders to join my online launch.

‘The Healer’ – what is it about?

The character in my second novel, is a child called Molly McCarthy in 1940s Ireland. Being a young girl in 1940’s Ireland isn’t easy for Molly, especially since she isn’t like the other children. She has an unknown learning difficulty and is surrounded in abuse and violence. Her family and community are wary of her beauty and nature. As Molly becomes a teenager life gets harder and she loses faith in everything. Molly is surrounded in danger. She must make choices. But will she chose the right path or is she doomed to a life of misery? Will she survive in a world of violence and crime? Will The Healer ever be healed?

The cover will be revealed soon!

My first novel ‘The Abandoned’ launched in Jan 2018 and was a number one best-seller. The Abandoned has also been made into an audio book. ‘The Healer’ is a standalone book but is connected to this well received novel.

Don’t miss this online launch. You are invited when you click here. Thank you.






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