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Book NewsIndulgeinbooks

Three Months to Third Novel

By 9th September 2020 14,967 Comments


Hullo all,


It’s been a while and I have news!

Some I can tell you… some I cannot divulge just yet.

But, what a crazy world we are living in? How are you all? Stay safe has a whole new meaning now – hasn’t it?

If you are working from home, do you enjoy it? Are you productive? Most writers I know work from home. This is familiar territory to me. I like being home all day and I wrote during lockdown. In the middle of it I was lucky enough to sign a contract with Bloodhound Books for my third novel with them.




The Quiet Truth is the title and my main character is a male this time. He is called Charlie Quinn. It is set in Ireland and Canada and is a dual-timeline, drifting (seamlessly of course)  from 1990s to 1930s and back again. While I wait on the edits, cover design, blurb, and other promotional things from Bloodhound, I am writing another manuscript. I’m at the stage where it is exciting and new. I won’t be here long because the characters nudge me to come back to them. There are three main voices and one in the wings and right now they are all cross that I am tinkering with websites and blogs for another novel that isn’t theirs.

I will have my third novel in the world in three months. Writing that is wonderful. I work hard – but so do many other writers. I am grateful.

There will be lots more to follow.

Until you hear from me again, stay safe and keeping writing/reading. xx


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