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Writers need content for themselves. We talk and write about the BLANK page. Blankety-blank. We all know the sight or the feeling of it. Yet we create all the time. The list of places that need content is endless these days. Sites, magazines, newspapers, and publishers – The whole shebang takes time and effort.

Us writers write great content! We type, scribble, edit (drink gin) and usually have lovely words for other sources. NOW, before you holler at me, yes I know we need to be seen elsewhere and it is good to be writing for others. COURSE it is (Many kind people give us space in their world or pay us for content).

But… then as the tenth gin drains from the glass, we remember our own website. Blankety-Blank for months! EEK

Writers need content for themselves.

In my (not so) humble opinion, both meanings of the word are vital for us. We need “to be content” as well – We are valued, valuable and validated when asked to write for others BUT we also need to start by being content with ourselves first.

And by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’. 🙂

Writing content for our blogs was where this whole blogging craze started (if I remember correctly)? I for one am I’m back here and would love a few sign-ups to my newsletter. As an incentive, I’ve two tickets to WellExpo 2020 for grabs. (There will be another post on this soon).

Filling in your email address will add you to the draw for the tickets and sign you up for my newsletter.

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