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5 tips to top, meaningful content

By 14th January 2020 19,036 Comments

1. Make a simple strategy

Top, meaningful content doesn’t write itself. It takes time and effort. Having an overview of your year’s goals can seem difficult but a website will just sit there unless you make it more visible.

What work do you want your website to do? – Is it just to build connections online? Is it to increase your brand awareness?

  • Pick an overall aim.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Research how to achieve your aims but don’t over complicate things.
  • Use keywords and phrases in headlines and work them into your copy/posts.
  • Consistently update your content to help readers and algorithms find you.
  • Share links to your content and offer value.

2. Pick a style or voice

Are you a serious person? Chatty? Professional? Your website and its content must reflect your business/your personality. That said it should also be geared to pleasing your ideal customer (and perhaps that is not who you are at all). Decide on the correct voice for your content. Stick on brand. Provide top, meaningful content for your target customer.

3 Use images and graphics

Pictures. We all like them. We scroll and our eyes fall first on images. Find graphics that work with your piece and use variations on these to share on social media. (You may need to buy images).

Graphics & images can be found here – 
Canva https://www.canva.com/
Pixabay https://pixabay.com/ & Unsplash https://unsplash.com/ (free images), Bigstock (paid) https://www.bigstockphoto.com/


Power Point

4 Does each post/article have a call to action? A purpose?

We all can ramble on but what do you wish to achieve with each post? For instance, my purpose is helping you (and me) get content ready for 2020. BUT… I’m also letting you know of our Interactive, online hour on Getting Content Ready  on 4th Feb 2020 1pm BST.

This one-hour online workshop will teach you what content to create for your website, blog & social media in 2020 to get the attention you need online.

Why you should attend this online hour during your lunch break.

  • You know you should be creating more content but don’t know what to write or when to post it
  • You’re always meaning to write a blog or social media post but just can’t seem to get the time to do it
  • Your competitors are getting found on Google but your website is nowhere to be seen?
  • You’re confused about what to write, how to write and just a little bit scared of that blank screen in front of you?!
  • If you identify with any of the list above, then this is the reason you should attend the workshop. Let’s get you moving from stuck to getting it done for 2020!.

What You Will Learn:

  • What is content and why it is necessary to have consistently good content.
  • How to plan, structure & create content – headlines, blogs, and compelling messages
  • How to use content to get found ahead of your competitors on Google
  • How to get noticed on social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter
  • How to write articles that appeal to your ideal customers, and get you noticed as the best in your business.
  • How to create a content calendar.

Who is this Workshop for?

This event is for entrepreneurs and business people who need to market their business! It’s ideal for any of the following or similar business types:

Professional Services/Business Consultants, Life or Personal Development Coaches, Health & Wellness Professionals, Design & Craft Makers/Writers, Interior Designers, Branding or Creative Media Professionals, Virtual Assistants, Entrepreneurs etc

Who are the facilitators?  We are Sharon Thompson & Patricia Greene.

Author of number one bestsellers, The Abandoned & The Healer, Sharon Thompson is the founder of Indulgeinwriting an online writing community and is co-founder of #Writerswise a trending Tweet-chat featuring published authors and guests. Sharon writes for leading websites, has short stories published and hosts writing events. www.sharontwriter.com

Patricia Greene has 20 years experience in web design and SEO via her website & online marketing business. Patricia founded The Web Club to support women in business to grow their business via digital marketing strategies and techniques. She is passionate about supporting women and is an active advocate and supporter of women in business networks throughout Ireland. She is a recent past chair of Women in Enterprise.

Register on this link to save your space on the online hour.

*Early bird fee is €20. Full fee €27.


5. Write & proof-read your posts

I am now panicking about typos and spelling!

These two apps make our writing better. The Hemingway app loves an active voice! (Keep away from words with ‘ed’ on the end.)

Grammarly: https://www.grammarly.com/
Hemmingway App: http://www.hemingwayapp.com/

Punctuation matters. Please spend time on editing & re-drafting your pieces. I’m off to check mine (I always miss something!)


Of course, there are many more tips and tricks to good content writing. I’ll explore them again.

Other things to do right now;

  1. Make sure to subscribe to this website for my regular newsletter
  2. Follow the 5 top meaningful tips here and start writing your content
  3. We’d also love to see you save your online spot for the Getting Content Ready Hour. Register here


Successful workshop Jan 10th

We had a face-to-face workshop in Burt, Donegal on Getting Content Ready 2020. The feedback was positive and prompted us to plan for an hour online. Join during your lunch break for many more top, meaningful content tips. Click HERE

Feedback –

“Really enjoyed the workshop and I got great pointers for my website. You know your stuff.”

“People who couldn’t attend missed out. Refreshing day with lots of interesting tips.”

“I left with a plan and knowledge of how to start writing posts.”

“I needed to know how to write a bio, general content and consistent material for my website. Thank you.”


Content Ready Online Hour.

More meaningful tips on content writing.

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